Life always finds a way to shock you.

Friday, October 22, 2010

And oh, the adventure begins

Hello there reader, how are you doing this fine evening? YOU my dear friend, are one of my few, if not my only follower, so please read on. My name, well that is my own personal business, but for the sake of this story my name is Nicky. I am a private nanny for a beautiful one year old girl named..... Mary. I thought that this job would be fun, and easy, I thought I would be able to predict the things that would come my way, I THOUGHT that nothing could surprise me.

I was wrong.

Spending each day with Mary (or as I'll sometimes call her, May) is so much fun, but it can also be one of the biggest headaches I may ever experience. I am filled with laughter and tears, there is pain and beauty, cheerios and boogers, bumps and scrapes, wonder and amazement.
Reader, I have reached the point where I start to ask myself  'do things like this happen to ANYONE else out there?'. So, here I am. I will express the contents of my day here... brace yourself, May is one wild child.

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